Jennie Groom has over 30 years experience as a professional photographer. Her main focus is portraiture and social commentary photography.
Photography, adventure and politics run through the generations in the Groom clan. In Year 8 School photography, Jennie took to the camera easily. A short ten years later at age 22, she found herself as the senior photographer at The University of Adelaide.
Intrigued by the fundamental science behind the art, Jennie decided to study commercial photography part-time at TAFE SA in order to understand the technical aspects. Jennie loves that photography is her job, her hobby, and her creative outlet. She is a lifelong learner of her craft and an active educator, currently teaching at the Adelaide Collage of the Arts, the same course she studied over twenty years ago.
Along with numerous awards, Jennie’s work has appeared in many publications including her own book ‘women@work’, documenting three of her exhibitions of women in working roles within Australia.
Jennie Groom DipPhoto
mobile: 0413 11 77 22